US Healthcare Costs & The Economist

The January 26th issue of The Economist had a short article about growing healthcare costs in the US. It pointed out (referencing CMS as a source), that healthcare costs had increased 6.7% from 2005-2006, but that Medicare spending had increased 18.7% What these numbers reflect, (but the Economist article only implies), is that because Medicare Part D started in 2006, spending growth shifted from private spending (and Medicaid) to Medicare. Looking at the actual data shows this to be the case:

  • Public sector healthcare spending increased 8.2% in 2006 compared to 2005; Greater than the 7.1% the previous year
  • Private sector healthcare spending o increased 5.4% in 2006 compared to 2005; Less than the 6.1% the previous year

Looking closer at the data is even more interesting.…

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Starting a Blog….

Welcome to HealthPolCom Blog’s first posting. This blog was started to provide stakeholders of all types, (such as patients, clinicians, administrators, payers, researchers, regulators, legislators, etc.) a forum for discussing healthcare policy issues. The focus of these discussions will be about how the development and use of innovations can effect clinical and economic outcomes.

HealthPolCom Blog is an outgrowth of HealthPolCom Consulting which I started in 2000 to help engage and educate stakeholders about improving the US healthcare system with the development and adoption of innovations. This blog was launched in January 2008, and will likely evolve in substance and look.…

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