Health, Healthcare, and Government Spending (and a Culture of Health)

Why governments care about health spending and healthcare, how they are connected to overall government spending and priorities, and why addressing social determinants of health is so important for making lasting improvements, were the subjects I covered in a presentation at George Mason’s graduate policy school in September. My goal was to provide the soon-to-be policy analysts and advisers with a framework for understanding those issues so they will be able to provide useful recommendations to their future decision making bosses. (See the slide below for the topics covered in the presentation.) Links to videos of the talk are below, along with short descriptions – I think that Part 6 is particularly good.…

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ACOs – Accountable Care Organizations: Now and in the Future

Because Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) promise to reduce costs and improve quality it seems like everyone is talking about them as the solution for what ails the US healthcare system.

What is an ACO?
ACOs are a generally described as entities consisting of care delivery providers and clinicians, (e.g. doctors, hospitals, clinics, labs, etc.), organized so that they can more effectively coordinate care and the ACO can accept and mange some type of global, bundled, capitated, or case-base payments for this care in a way that makes the ACO financially accountable for all – or nearly all – the care individuals receive. …

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